Facilities Management
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Grounds, Arboretum, and Sustainability
The Arboretum Office of the Facilities Management Department is responsible for conducting educational programs in all facets of horticulture, e.g., conducting nature walks, lectures, and the identification and labeling of campus trees. The Arboretum is responsible for the care and feeding of trees, plants, beds and flower tubs. The Arboretum Office also provides a plant-sitting service for student Arboretum Association members during the mid-year break.
The Grounds Division provides a planned program of grounds care for the campus lawns and athletic fields, leaf pick-up and snow/ice removal. Grounds is responsible for minor landscape repairs.
In addition, these divisions are responsible the maintenance and repair of roads and walks. Hundreds of students, faculty, staff, and visitors use the campus daily; it takes a conscientious effort on everyone's part to keep the campus grounds safe, attractive and clean.
The Office of Sustainability identifies avenues for incorporating an eco-friendly approach into the work of Facilities and the College writ large. Contributing to the Council on Sustainability and Social Responsibility, this office brings expertise in the areas of campus stewardship, energy and resource management, and business practices.
Inquiries concerning these services should be directed to the Assistant Director of Facilities Management – Grounds, Arboretum, and Sustainability at 610-896-2919.
Maintenance and Housekeeping
The Maintenance Division provides comprehensive maintenance services to academic, administrative, athletic, and residential buildings as well as to faculty housing. These services are provided by a staff of carpenters, painters, locksmiths, electricians, plumbers, and maintenance mechanics, HVAC technicians to ensure a safe and pleasant educational environment. The maintenance staff also conducts routine preventive maintenance checks on various electrical, mechanical, and architectural systems in all campus buildings. The purpose of preventive maintenance inspections is to detect and correct facility deficiencies or defects before the system as a whole breaks down. Building occupants can assist by reporting any deficiencies or defects directly to the Service Coordinator at 610-896-1096 as soon as they are noted.
Requests for maintenance work should be submitted via SchoolDude for routine requests. All emergency requests during normal working hours should still be called in to extension 1096 and after hours to the Campus Safety dispatcher at extension 1111.
The Housekeeping Division is responsible for the cleaning of all administrative, academic, and residential buildings. The housekeeping staff also maintains common areas, i.e., stairways, hallways, and restrooms, bathroom facilities of the dormitories, and the entryways of faculty apartment buildings. No housekeeping service is provided in student rooms or within faculty housing units. Housekeeping services are provided on a scheduled basis. Generally, all spaces are cleaned daily seven days a week between 5:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Special cleaning programs such as floor restoration and carpet care are normally performed during periods when the academic program is in recess, i.e., Fall and Spring Breaks, between semesters, and during the summer. Inquiries concerning Housekeeping Services, including emergency cleaning needs, should be directed to the Assistant Director of Facilities Management - Housekeeping Services at 610-896-1098.
Planning and Capital Projects
The Planning and Capital Projects Division is responsible for managing and delivering initiatives in accordance with supporting the College’s academic mission and student experience. Working closely with consultants, contractors, and vendors, as well as other divisions of Facilities Management, this division ensures that the College’s programmatic, financial, and calendar concerns are thoughtfully considered and addressed through all stages of the planning, design and construction/renovation process.
Inquiries concerning Planning and Capital Projects should be directed to the Assistant Director of Facilities Management – Planning, Project Management & Utilities at 610-896-1099.