Study Abroad Information Session
- Students
Event Calendar
Zoom meeting link:
All students studying abroad are required to attend at least one information session before going abroad. There are 4 general information sessions hosted every year. The study abroad timeline gives a helpful overview of the study abroad application process.
During the general information session, we will be covering topics like the application process, costs, financial aid, identity abroad, academics abroad, and the programs on our approved list. It's never too early to start the planning process for studying abroad, so we encourage first-years and sophomores to attend!
***This session will be recorded for anyone unable to attend live. If any student has orchestra, athletic event, class, etc. and cannot attend live, please email sgoodfello [at]" class="gmail-spamspan spamspan">sgoodfello [at] or ravery [at]" class="gmail-spamspan spamspan">ravery [at] for a copy of the recording. The study abroad office is happy to work with students - attendance on the live Zoom is not mandatory.***