Student Life
Student's Guide
The Student's Guide document contains a list of all relevant student policies and procedures across various areas of academic and residential life at the College.
Non-discrimination Statement
Haverford College is committed to providing an employment and educational environment free from all forms of unlawful discrimination because of race, color, sex/gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, related conditions, and lactation), religion, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, status as a medical marijuana cardholder, genetic information, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, current or past membership or service in the U.S. Armed Forces or a state military unit, or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy is consistent with relevant governmental statutes and regulations, including those pursuant to Title IX of the Federal Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended. Inquiries concerning Title IX may be addressed to Kimberly F. Taylor, Bi-Co Title IX Coordinator, (Founders 027, (610) 896-1234,, and other policies of non-discrimination may be referred to the Office of Human Resources (610-896-1250) or to the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC.
Questions about this policy may be directed to the Office of the Dean of the College.
For the most up to date information on this policy, please visit the Haverford College Human Resources policies page.
Consistent with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Haverford College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any of its programs or activities. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a kind of sex discrimination and is therefore prohibited by Title IX and Haverford College. Haverford College, as an educational community, will promptly and equitably respond to all reports of sexual assault and harassment in order to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects on any individual or the community.
Inquiries or complaints about the application of Title IX may be directed to the College’s Title IX coordinator and/or to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights:
Philadelphia Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
The Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East, Suite 515
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323
Telephone: 215-656-8541
FAX: 215-656-8605; TDD: 800-877-8339
Harassment And Discrimination
The College’s Statement of Non-Discrimination prohibits all forms of unlawful discrimination based on all characteristics protected by law. When a student feels that they have been subjected to harassment and/or discrimination on any of these grounds, there are different options available for filing a complaint depending on the nature of the offending behavior and the person who is believed to have committed it.
Questions about these options or this policy may be directed to the Office of the Dean of the College. Additionally, the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officers can provide additional resources and support.
Student Complaints Against Faculty, Staff, Or Third Parties
Reports of discrimination or harassment by faculty, staff, or third parties can be made to the Director of Human Resources, or any of the College’s EEO Officers. Reports may also be made to John McKnight, Dean of the College, and any member of The Circle, including Campus Safety. In cases of alleged sexual misconduct, the Title IX coordinator will also be notified.
Visit the Human Resources Handbooks & Policies page for more information.
Complaints Against Students
Students who are considering filing claims against other students may contact the Dean of the College or any of the Deans. Reports of harassment or discrimination by students from other individuals – students, employees, or third parties – will normally be addressed within the student judicial procedures (See the section on Judicial Powers within the Constitution of the Students’ Association—accessible through the Documents section of the Students' Council webpage). In cases where harassment is alleged, an EEO Officer will be consulted as part of the process. Incidents of sexual misconduct will be addressed using the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Anti-Hazing Policy
Haverford College does not tolerate hazing. Any student, student group, student organization, team, or other persons associated with a student organization found responsible of Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, or Organizational Hazing under this Policy, whether occurring on or off campus, may face disciplinary action from the College, and may also face criminal charges under state law, including The Timothy J. Piazza Anti-hazing Law, 18 Pa. C.S. s 2801, et seq.
The purpose of this document is to state Haverford College’s Anti-Hazing Policy, identify how the College will enforce this Policy, and identify resources for reporting violations of this Policy.
- This Policy applies to the following:
- Individual students, including those in attendance, those who are applying to attend, and those who have been admitted to attend Haverford.
- Organizations including: clubs, groups, teams and unofficial or unrecognized organizations.
- Other persons associated with an organization such as: representatives, sponsors, advisors, alumni or coaches.
This policy applies to any acts of Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, or Organizational Hazing occurring on or off campus.
Haverford Adheres to the Timothy J. Piazza Anti-hazing Law. The Timothy J. Piazza Law defines hazing to include: Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, and Organizational Hazing. Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, and Organizational Hazing are each prohibited by Haverford’s policy. It shall not be a defense that the consent of the minor or student was sought or obtained. It is also not a defense that the conduct was sanctioned or approved by the organization.
- Hazing: A person commits the offense of hazing if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly, for the purpose of initiating, admitting or affiliating a minor or student into or with an organization, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing a minor or student’s membership of status in an organization, causes, coerces or forces a minor or student to do any of the items listed below in (1) - (6). Hazing shall NOT include reasonable and customary athletic, law enforcement or military training, context, competitions or events
- Violate Federal or State criminal law;
- Consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug or other substance which subjects the minor or student to a risk of emotional or physical harm;
- Endure brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics or exposure to the elements;
- Endure brutality of a mental nature, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment;
- Endure brutality of a sexual nature;
- Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the minor or student.
- Aggravated Hazing: A person commits the offense of aggravated hazing if the person commits a violation of Hazing that results in serious bodily injury or death to the minor or student; and
- The person acts with reckless indifference to the health and safety of the minor or student; or
- The person causes, coerces, or forces the consumption of an alcoholic liquid or drug by the minor or student
- Organizational Hazing: An organization commits the offence of Organization Hazing if the organization intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly promotes or facilitates a violation of Hazing or Aggravated Hazing.
Reporting Violations of this Policy
Haverford encourages all members of the College community who believe that they have witnessed, experienced, or are aware of conduct that constitutes Hazing, Aggravated Hazing, or Organizational Hazing in violation of this Policy to report the violation to Scott Wojciechowski, Dean of Student Life.
Enforcement of this Policy
As in all cases deemed to potentially compromise the safety or the community of any individual, Allegations of Hazing, Aggravated Hazing or Organizational Hazing will handled in accordance with the Dean’s Disciplinary Panel Guidelines, which details the process of investigation, adjudication and possible sanctions.
Anyone found responsible for violating this Policy may face disciplinary action including any of the following:
- The imposition of fines;
- The withholding of diplomas or transcripts pending compliance with the rules or payment of fines;
- The rescission of permission for the organization to operate on campus or school property or to otherwise operate under the sanction or recognition of the College
- Revocation of on-campus housing privileges or other extracurricular involvements
- The imposition of probation, suspension, dismissal or expulsion.
Institutional Bi-Annual Report
Haverford College will maintain a report of all violations of this Policy or of Federal or State laws related to hazing that are reported to the College. Haverford will update the report biennially on January 1 and August 1 and will post the updated report on its publicly accessible website.
Download the Bi-Annual Report
Academic Policies
The responsibility for knowing and meeting the applicable degree requirements as well as the academic regulations of the College rests with each student. All students should carefully review the Academic Regulations. If there are any questions regarding these regulations, or Special Academic Programs, they should be raised with the student’s academic advisor or dean.
Additional academic policies not found in the Academic Catalog pertain to Transfer of Credit, Credit Hour, Medical Leave, and Veteran’s Readmission.
It is crucial that students learn to understand and avoid plagiarism, by consulting the policies, including the Statement on Plagiarism by the Faculty of Haverford College, as well as educational resources.
Academic Freedom
Haverford College holds that open-minded and free inquiry is essential to a student’s educational development. Thus, the College recognizes the right of all students to engage in discussion, to exchange thought and opinion, and to speak or write freely on any subject. To be complete, this freedom to learn must include the right of inquiry both in and out of the classroom and must be free from any arbitrary rules or actions that would deny students the freedom to make their own choice regarding controversial issues.
Further, the College endeavors to develop in its students the realization that as members of a free society they have not only the right, but also the obligation to inform themselves about various problems and issues; and that they are free to formulate and express their positions on these issues. Finally, the College reaffirms the freedom of assembly as an essential part of the process of discussion, inquiry, and advocacy. Students, therefore, have the right to join existing organizations or to create new organizations, on or off the campus, which advocate and engage in lawful actions to implement their announced goals. Student actions such as those here involved do not imply approval, disapproval, or sponsorship by the College or its Student Body; such actions do not in any way absolve a student from their academic or other community responsibilities, nor may any such actions impede the conduct of College business. Similarly, students are expected to make clear that they are speaking or acting as individuals and not for the College or its Student Body. The freedom to learn, to inquire, to speak, to organize, and to act responsibly with conviction are held by Haverford College to be a cornerstone of education in a free society.
For more information, consult the Expressive Freedom and Responsibility Policy and Interpretations and Clarifications of the Policy on Expressive Freedom and Responsibility (Spring 2024).
Alcohol & Drugs
The Alcohol Policy, Drug Policy, and Haverford College Policy on Drug-Free Schools clearly articulate the College’s stance, as well as the responsibilities of all community members. More information about local laws can be found in the assembled Pennsylvania Crimes Code and Haverford Township Ordinances.
The Joint Student-Administration Alcohol Policy Panel (JSAAPP) is a body organized to oversee and address issues concerning the Alcohol Policy at Haverford. Our organization strives to educate the community, as well as to ensure that students adhere to the rules and regulations of the Alcohol Policy.
Events, Parties, and Advertising
The Student Engagement Office has clearly articulated policies for Sponsoring an Event, and for the Use of the College’s Name.
Students’ Council shares responsibility for the Business Venture Policy and the Bulletin Boards, Posting Notices, Banners, and Installation Policy. All banner or installation applications can be submitted via the Students’ Council approval form.
Sexual Misconduct
Sexual misconduct will not be tolerated at Haverford College. Sexual misconduct is a broad term that includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault (non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual intercourse, and forced sexual intercourse), sexual exploitation, stalking, domestic violence, dating violence, and retaliation. Such behaviors are anathema to Haverford’s foundational principles that underscore human dignity, promote equality, and repudiate violence in any form.
The goals of this policy are to create a community free from sexual misconduct of all kinds, to provide avenues for those affected by sexual misconduct to obtain assistance and provide a prompt and equitable complaint and investigation procedure.
Health and Safety Policies
Campus Safety is open 24 hours a day, and can always be reached at (610) 896-1111. Campus Safety's Policies page covers Fire Safety, Fireworks, Firearms, Ammunition, Weapons and Explosives, One Card Access, Parking, Roof Safety, Search and Seizure, and more
All Haverford students are required to have personal medical insurance. Health Services provides information about the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and all relevant policies and deadlines.