How to Prepare for a Zoom Therapy Session
CAPS sessions will be conducted over the HIPAA compliant version of ZOOM. In order to get the most out of these sessions, here are some ideas on how to prepare for your session in advance.
Please note, that if for some reason you prefer to not use ZOOM and instead talk over the phone, this may also be an option. In this case, please let your therapist know your preference when they have been assigned to you. Most of these steps apply for phone sessions as well as ZOOM sessions.
Before the session
- Make sure you have ZOOM downloaded on the device you plan on using.
- Locate a safe and secure space where you feel like you can talk freely and confidentially, without being worried about being overheard or interrupted.
- If you do not have such a space, please contact us directly and we will work on connecting you to available spaces on campus.
- Consider your location/background. We know that we are in essence being invited into your personal spaces (and you ours). What do you want us or not want us to see?
- Sessions are about 45 minutes, so try if possible, to identify a comfortable place where you can sit for that time. Consider placing your device on a table or propping it up so you do not have to hold it for 45 minutes.
- Try and prepare for the session 10-15 minutes ahead. Sometimes, this is of course not possible, but giving yourself time to get ready will help the transition into session.
- Similarly, if possible, give yourself a few minutes at the end of the session to process and transition out of the session.
At the time of the session
- You will get a ZOOM link directly from your therapist. Some may send them well before the session and some may send them a few minutes before. Feel free, to ask about the ZOOM link and to email if you did not receive one.
- Close down any extra windows, web browsers, chats and notifications (i.e. turn on do not disturb). While sometimes, interruption is inevitable the act of turning off extra windows helps to prepare and keep focus.
- When the session begins, consider minimizing the thumbnail view of yourself. While it can sometimes be of benefit to see yourself, it can also be distracting.
- If for some reason ZOOM is not working, please email us.
- Keep tissues and water to sip on nearby.