Apartment 26 poses at the end of their 2017 service trip to the Riverbend Environmental Educational Center. Photo: Sarah Jennings '21
The Center forPeace and Global Citizenship
Community Engagement

The Marilou Allen Office of Service & Community Collaboration (OSCC or Office of Service for short), supports service and community engagement for the entire Haverford community. We help build local relationships and partnerships, and position Haverford's campus as a welcoming gathering place for Ardmore community members.
Our goal is to make volunteer opportunities accessible and valuable to all. Student clubs who focus on service and advocacy can contact us to help plan and promote events, students who need clearances to work at an after school tutoring program with children can come to us for assistance, anything we can do to help you get involved in service work here at Haverford and beyond... just reach out and let us know!
Get Involved!
Community-Engaged Courses
The CPGC has compiled a list of community-engaged courses offered this fall.