Ebola Contingencies
We are unaware of any student, faculty, or staff Ebola-related illness (or recent exposure to the illness), or of anyone returning to campus from West Africa. If you have traveled to a high-risk area, or been in contact with a known traveler to the high-risk area, please notify Health Services so that we can conduct a risk assessment and initiate self-monitoring (detailed below).
- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control advises against non-essential travel to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone until further notice.
College-sponsored travel and Study Abroad programs to these countries have been suspended until further notice.
The CDC is not recommending isolation or quarantine of individuals based on travel history alone.
If you are at risk of exposure, either because of travel or contact with a known traveler to a high-risk area:
Call Health Services 610-896-1089 and tell the provider about your recent travel and your symptoms before you go to the Health Services or a hospital. Advance notice will help Health Services care for you and protect other people who may be in the reception area.
You would then begin a formal 21-day process of health monitoring and be advised to:
- Take your temperature every morning and evening.
- Watch for other Ebola symptoms: severe headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, or unexplained bleeding or bruising.
- If, in the course of this monitoring process (which has been initiated based upon your recent exposure risk) your temperature is 100.4°F (38°C) or higher or you have any other Ebola signs or symptoms, seek medical care immediately.
- Limit your contact with other people when you travel to medical care; avoid public transportation.
- Do not travel anywhere except to the doctor's office or hospital.
- During the time that you are monitoring your health, if you have no symptoms, you can continue your normal activities, including work and school.
- Appropriate public health officials will be notified in the event that you develop symptoms.
The College is in the process of establishing on-campus quarantine areas should that be necessary.
Thank you very much for being attentive and responsive. Updates on Ebola can be found on the CDC website:
It is vital that students seek medical advice and care if they have any concerns.
Please csharbau [at] haverford.edu (contact Health Services) with questions or concerns.