CPGC Announces Its 2015 Summer Interns
Sixty Bi-College students have been awarded 2015 summer internships by the Center for Peace & Global Citizenship (CPGC). The CPGC internship program puts Haverford's educational philosophy into practice by providing students with the opportunity to integrate their academic learning with practical experience in a way that fosters responsible engagement with social justice issues.
In addition to their academic and experiential preparation, each intern was selected because he or she demonstrated an intellectual engagement with an important domestic or international issue and a commitment to understanding how global processes affect local communities.
This year the Center is supporting 53 Haverford students and 7 Bryn Mawr students. 28 of those students will undertake internships in the U.S., and 32 of them will travel internationally for their internship. At Haverford, the work of 5 freshmen, 20 sophomores, 21 juniors, and 7 seniors is being funded by the CPGC.
Explore the full list of student interns, their projects, and their majors.