This summer, more than 50 Haverford students will scatter across the country and world as they volunteer, serve internships, and participate in research projects, all sponsored by the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship. The students are:
Sonia Aggarwal '06, exploring renewable energy in India
Johanna Anchundia '08, working with development and indigenous children in Ecuador
Jennifer Atlas '09, promoting social justice through healthcare in Peru
Cedar Balazs '08, participating in election monitoring and democracy education in Nicaragua
Karen Barker '08, encouraging education through art in Bangalore, India
Laura Bender '06, Sarah Blackburn '09 and Jason Oaks ‘09, part of a teaching and language exchange in Huangshi, China
Erica Blanco '07, encouraging sustainable development in San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala
Jesse Blumberg '09, facilitating nonviolent resolutions to sexual violence and conflict in Ghana
Ben Buchwalter '06, contributing to environmental journalism at the Michigan Land Use Institute
Sakda Chantanavanich '09, promoting sustainable development in tsunami-devastated Khao Lak, Thailand
Alanna Copenhaver '07, studying the anti-arms effort and its racial context in South Africa
Nicholas Dibble '07, working as an international human rights law assistant in Philadelphia
Tyler Dodds '06, leading health classes for adolescents in Nicaragua
Natasha Dravid '07, interning at High Rocks camp in West Virginia
Dylan Gasperick '09, Brian Johnson '08 and Stephanie Wu '09, going on a study-tour of China's hinterland and heartland
Elizabeth Graef '06, improving clinical outcomes for HIV patients in South Africa
Elizabeth Gray '08, exploring education and opportunities in El Salvador
Sarah Hartman '07, developing micro-enterprise in Tarmilat, Morocco
Michael Hicks '07, turning environmental hazards into improvements along the river in Niger
Liliana Leitner-Laserna '06, participating in and observing an HIV/AIDS public health study in India
Min Lin '06, exploring psychological aspects of child development in the Andes by working with orphans and street children in Peru
Emma Lo '08, studying health care in Ecuador
Isaac Lutze '08, exploring social change through education in Nicaragua
Anna Marschalk-Burns '07, examining postmemory and narrative in experiences of rape in Philadelphia
Elizabeth Meeks '08, working to improve the lives of burned children in Bolivia
Hilary Mislan '09, promoting human rights and treatment for AIDS victims in Guatemala
Luke Patton '08, working towards nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in Philadelphia
Ryan Pirtle-McVeigh '07, examining religion and social change, or enlightened Buddhism, through monastic immersion and visual representation in Thailand
Daniel Sacks '08, studying institutional policy development in Mexico
Allyson Scherb '07, exploring the interactions between a rural community and an international health NGO in Peru
Katrina Schwartz '08, volunteering at a women's clinic in Nicaragua
Elizabeth Shriver '08, promoting leadership through art and theater education at Colegio El Molino in Bolivia
Alexandra Smith '07, examining the question of whether philosophy can become reality in India
Heidi Smith '07, part of the Rwanda delegation of Global Youth Connect
Rachel Song '07, studying social awareness and community building in a leper colony in South Korea
Joyce Sun '07, working with AIDS and rural orphans in China
Claire Taylor '07, dealing with deaf social identity and moral universe in Tacoma, Wash.
Brian Till '07, connecting the communities of Haverford and Panabaj, Guatemala
Andrew Vargas-Stehney '08, working with the Aymara Quaker Community in Bolivia
Sarah Velazquez '09 and Rahwa Woldeyesus ‘09, participating in Youthworks/Philadelphia Futures
Sarah Walker '08, exploring pedagogy, language and culture volunteering as a teacher in Costa Rica
Esther Warren '07, fighting for child literacy and basic education in Tanzania
Jane Weber '08, working with Spanish immersion and disability rehabilitation and advocacy in Mexico
Meredith Wen '06, studying the changing landscape of China
Natalie Wossene '08, aiding African debt relief from Philadelphia
Oliver Wunsch '07, encouraging dialogue in a“process-oriented” international art space in Germany
Ammanuel Zegeye '09, exploring anti-retroviral constitutional and policy issues in South Africa
Ben Zussman '08, building peace between Israeli and Palestinian youth through communication and education in Israel