Marketing and Communications
Daily Digest
The Daily Digest is a newsletter sent by Marketing and Communications to Haverford College faculty and staff, featuring announcements, news, and event updates that are relevant to the College community. It is sent every afternoon.
Submissions must be received by NOON in order to appear in that same day's email. If you are submitting after noon, please be sure to select a date in the future. Items received after the deadline for that same day's digest will not run.
Your text will appear exactly as submitted, so please be sure to double-check for typos and errors. If you would like your item to appear more than once, you will need to submit it for each day that you'd like it to run. NOTE: Items may only appear up to two times. We recommend one notice in the Digest 7 or so days before an event, with a reminder 2-3 days before. Including a zoom option with closed-captioning turned on is an easy way for your event to be accessible to more people.
If it is before noon on the day your item is scheduled to run and you need to pull it from the Daily Digest, please contact dailydigest [at] with your deletion request. After 12 noon, we cannot guarantee that items will be removed.
The Daily Digest is useful for promoting campus or Tri-Co events and for disseminating work-related information (e.g., HR policy changes or deadlines, new hire announcements, faculty funding opportunities). If you have questions about your item's appropriateness, please contact dailydigest [at]