Department of Classics
Reading List

The Majors' Reading List consists of a group of central Greek and Latin texts selected by the faculty, to be read in English (if not in the original) by the beginning of the senior year. Many of these texts will have been assigned in different classes, while others will complement class readings. By reading, considering, and discussing the texts on the list, bi-college Classics students—whatever the focus of their particular major—will emerge with a stronger common basis for discussion and with a better sense of the range and depth of the classical heritage.
All the texts may be read in English; many will be read in connection with a class. Students may read the texts on their own, or in informal reading groups with their classmates, or in groups sponsored by the John B. Hurford '60 Center for the Arts and Humanities
For most works we will recommend a particular translation or translations, but if students would like to read a different version, they can consult with any faculty member if the translation is a reasonable alternative.
Greek Texts
Homer, Iliad
- Recommended Translations: Fagles or Lombardo
- Call Numbers: Fagles: PA4025.A2 F33 1990.
Lombardo: PA4025.A2 L66 1997
Homer, Odyssey
- Recommended Translations: Fagles or Lombardo
- Call Numbers: Fagles: PA4025.A5 F34 1996.
Lombardo: PA4025.A5 L66 2000
Wilson: PA4025.A5 W56 2018
Hesiod, Theogony
- Recommended Translations: West
- Call Numbers: PA4009 .T5 1966 / PA4010.E5 T5 1988 / PA4010.E5 T5 1999
Selections of Sappho and Archilochus
- Recommended Translations: Lattimore
- Call Numbers: PA3622 .L31 1960 / PA3622 .L36 / PA3622 .L3 1960
Aeschylus, Oresteia
- Recommended Translations: Lattimore or Fagles
- Call Numbers: Lattimore: PA3827 .A34. Fagles: PA3827.A7 F3
Sophocles, Oedipus Tyrannus
- Recommended Translations: Fagles
- Call Numbers: PA4414.A2 F3 1982
Sophocles, Antigone
- Recommended Translations: Fagles
- Call Numbers: PA4414.A2 F3 1982
Euripides, Bacchae
- Recommended Translations: Arrowsmith
- Call Numbers: PA3975 .A1 1955 v.5 / PA3626.A2 G82 1959 v.4 v. 2
Euripides, Medea
- Recommended Translations: Blondell
- Call Numbers: PA3975 .A2 1999
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Books 1-2.47
- Recommended Translations: Lattimore
- Call Numbers: DF229.T5 L38 1998
Herodotus, Histories, Book 1
- Recommended Translations: Purvis (Landmark Herodotus) or Selincourt
- Call Numbers: Purvis: D58 .H4713 2007.
Selincourt: D58.H5 E5 1972.
Aristophanes, Frogs
- Recommended Translations: Lattimore
- Call Numbers: PA3877 .R3 1962
Aristophanes, Lysistrata
- Recommended Translations: Ruden
Plato, Apology
- Recommended Translations: Tarrant-Tredennick in Last Days of Socrates (Penguin)
- Call Numbers: B358 .T7 1971
Plato, Symposium
- Recommended Translations: Woodruff
- Call Numbers: B385.A5 N44 1989 (HC), PA4279 .S8 1989 (BMC), Swat's on reserves
Aristotle, Poetics
- Recommended Translations: Hutton or Halliwell
- Call Numbers: Hutton: PN1040 .A513 1982. Halliwell: PN1040.A53 H35 1986.
Plutarch, Life of Alexander
- Recommended Translations: Penguin ed. (Ian Scott-Kilvert)
- Call Numbers: DF208 .P5513 1973.
Plutarch, Life of Caesar
- Recommended Translations: Penguin ed. (Rex Warner)
- Call Numbers: DG254.2 .P553 .
Latin Texts
Plautus, Menaechmi
- Recommended Translations: Germany
Cicero, In Catilinam 1
- Recommended Translations: Grant (Cicero, Selected Political Speeches)
- Cicero, De Officiis, Book 3
Roman Verse (selections in Wender)
- Recommended Translations: Wender
Virgil, Aeneid
- Recommended Translations: Mandelbaum or Lombardo
- Call Numbers: Mandelbaum: PA6807.A5 M23 1981 / PA6807.A5 M23 1981b / PA6807.A5 M23 1971. Lombardo: PA6807.A5 L58 2005
Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, Books 1 and 5
- Recommended Translations: Selincourt
- Call Numbers: PA6453 .D45 1973 (HC); DG207 .L5813 1960 (SC).
Ovid, Metamorphoses
- Recommended Translations: Humphries
- Call Numbers: PA6522.M2 H9 (HC); PA6522 .M2 1955 (BMC);PA6522.M2 H8 (SC).
Seneca the Younger, Thyestes
- Recommended Translations: Selincourt
- Call Numbers: PA6453 .D45 1973 (HC); DG207 .L5813 1960 (SC).
Apuleius, Metamorphoses
- Recommended Translations: Relihan or Lindsay
- Call Numbers: Relihan: PA6209.M3 R45 2007. Lindsay: PA6209.M3 L7 1962..
Professorial Favorites And Suggestions
These lists of recommendations reflect texts that are important to individual faculty. The texts might be personal favorites, works that are central to our scholarship, or that we wish everyone could read.
Professor Baertschi Recommends
Bryn Mawr College
- Cicero, Somnium Scipionis; De oratore 1.1-159, 3.120-230
- Horace, Complete Works
- Ovid, Heroides
- Seneca, Moral Epistles
- Tacitus, Annals 1, 4, 14
Professor Conybeare Recommends
Bryn Mawr College
- Lucretius, De Rerum Natura
- Cicero, De Amicitia
- Virgil, Georgics
- Augustine, Confessions
- Prudentius, Psychomachia
Professor Edmonds Recommends
Bryn Mawr College
- Homeric Hymns to Demeter, Hermes, Apollo, and Aphrodite (2-5)
- Gorgias, Defense of Helen
- Plato, Republic (especially books II-III and X)
- Plato, Timaeus 17-27 (Atlantis story)
- Plutarch, On the Daimon of Socrates
Professor Farmer Recommends
- Petronius, Satyricon
- Menander, Dyscolus
- Lucian, True History
- Tacitus, Annals 1.1-15 and 15.33.74
- Demosthenes, On the Crown
Professor Mulligan Recommends
- Martial, Book 10
- Passion of Perpetua
- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
- Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy
- Heliodorus, Aethiopian Tale
Professor Shirazi Recommends
- Xenophon, Symposium
- Aristotle, Politics (esp. Books 1-3 and 6-8)
- Pliny the Younger, Letters (2.17; 4.30; 5.6, 5.18; 6.16, 6.31; 8.8, 8.20)
- Virgil, Eclogues
- Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon
Recommended Synoptic Text
- Beard and Henderson, Classics: A Very Short Introduction
Recommended Historical Surveys
- Pomeroy, A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture
- Potter, Ancient Rome: A New History