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Center forCareer and Professional Advising
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Part-Time Job Board | Disclaimer
All jobs are listed as a service to Haverford students. Employers may post positions directly. CCPA is unable to ascertain the accuracy and/or legitimacy of position listings or vouch for the reputations of posting employers.
Please use common sense when responding to advertisements listed here, in the community, or in job listings - online or hard copy. Safety tips include:
- Never provide your Social Security, bank account or credit card numbers, or other confidential information. A legitimate employer should not request that information in an application. It would only be appropriate to provide social security information for payroll purposes, if hired.
- When speaking with a potential employer, pay attention to their behavior. Trust your instincts if their behavior seems inappropriate.
- Avoid meeting for the first time in a private home. Arrange to meet at a local restaurant, the public library or somewhere on campus. You can arrange to use an interview room in CCPA.
- When meeting off-campus, let your friends know where you are going.
- Report any difficulties or suspicious behavior to CCPA and Campus Safety.