The Pines of our Pinetum!

Pinetum by Patrick Montero
Learn more about the Arboretum’s Ryan Pinetum and its lovely pine trees!
In the winter, most of the trees have shed their leaves, leaving just their bones for all to see. These temporary losses can be hard on some people, with much of the forest being a depressing mix of shades of gray. Fortunately, we have the evergreens to keep our spirits up! Haverford College Arboretum’s Ryan Pinetum is the perfect place to get some evergreen on in the winter.
The Pinetum, established in 1928, contains a wide range of species within the conifer families (Pinacae, Araucariaceae, Podocarpaceae, Sciadopityaceae, Cupressaceae, Cephalotaxaceae, Taxaceae), lot of them being pine trees. Pine trees are a special type of conifer in the genus Pinus of the family Pinaceae. The Pinetum has around 30 unique species of pine trees! Now, let’s dive a little deeper into these porcupine-like trees.
Pine trees have a lot of cool and interesting features unique to their kind. To distinguish pine trees from other types of conifers, pay attention to their needles and cones. Pine needles are found in bundles of 3-5 growing out of a small brown stem. They are thin, straight, and super pointy. To be sure that it is a pine, look for the pine cones. These are woody cones with scales creeping up to their top. Though all conifers produce cones, pine cones tend to be more rigid and solid.
Pine trees are evergreens, which means they keep their needles, their version of leaves, all year round. That does not mean they never shed their needles though; they do so about once every couple of years, with new needles growing in the olds’ place.
Pine trees can range from 10 to 260 ft tall, it all depends on the species, and how much space and time they have to grow. In the happiest conditions, pine trees can live for hundreds to a thousand years. We sure hope ours live that long!
Come walk the nature trail, head west, and see some pine trees for yourself! Also, you can learn more about the Ryan Pinetum here:!