HIstory, East Asian Studies

What is your current job?
CEO of GiftedHire, a software company designed to help young people get the advantage they need to succeed in their job search and career.
Why did you choose this profession?
Two reasons. First, I love the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship. You get to build something that didn't exist before, and that thrill is worth all of the (many) headaches and long days. Second, I love helping people in their career search. We spend thousands of hours at work, and depend on it to pay our bills, yet many people end up underemployed, unemployed, or fully employed but unhappy. Schools like Haverford provide expert career guidance, but not all young people can benefit from that level of help. So with GiftedHire, I get to do that every day!
What more do you wish to accomplish in your professional career?
I want to help as many entrepreneurs and non-profits as I can. Working on my own business is great, but it's also fun and rewarding to help others benefit from all the mistakes that I have made, so that their own journeys can be a little bit less turbulent.
Tell us about a decision or change you made that turned out to be a positive career move.
My advice is simple: jump in, don't be too careful, but then don't be afraid to move on if the fit is not right. The first job I took out of college had a number of downsides, and I knew it probably wasn't what I wanted to do forever, but it laid the groundwork - and the network - for my career. At a conference for that company, I met the co-founder of my next company, JetZet, and then from press exposure at JetZet I connected with the co-founder of my current venture. It's a journey - don't think you need to get it right the first try!
How has Haverford influenced your professional career?
Being an entrepreneur is less about spreadsheets and more about thinking logically, solving problems, and understanding how people work. Haverford provided me the perfect blend of those skills.