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Presidents' Day

Greetings from Haverford!

We would like to share with you some information about our kick off events for spring programs. On Presidents' Day, we will host 2 special virtual sessions as well as additional tours. Come with your questions or come just to listen and join our conversation.

Parents, guardians, friends, and educators are all welcome to join these Zoom sessions.

Stronger Together: Introduction to the Tri-Co

Monday, February 15, from 4-5 p.m. (EDT)

Join admission officers from Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, and Swarthmore College as they discuss the opportunities afforded by attending a college within a larger consortium. We will also explore shared values and experiences amongst the Tri-Co schools including our Quaker founding, connection to the city of Philadelphia, and more. While there will be many future opportunities to learn about our colleges individually, we see this as a great kick-off conversation if you are beginning your college search process.



Conducting Your College Search: Insights from the Inside

Monday, February 15, from 7-8 p.m. (EDT)

With more than 5,000 colleges and universities in the U.S., figuring out how to begin your search can feel overwhelming. Join Ryan Coffey Keaton, Interim Director of College Counseling at the Brooklyn Friends' School, and Haverford Admission Director Mary Green Maier for a discussion on how to conduct a successful college search and application process.


Presidents' Day Tours

Pick a time and register for a LIVE guided Virtual Tour!
