Access and Disability Services
Guidelines on Notetaking Accommodations
Please review this document as the procedures for notetaking accommodations may have changed. Once a professor has found the peer notetaker(s) and notified ADS, ADS will handle coordinating and compensating them. If possible, it is helpful to identify two notetakers. Revised 2023.
Some students registered with Access and Disability Services (ADS) are approved to receive a copy of class notes as an academic accommodation related to their specific disability. These notes are intended as a supplement to the student’s own notes and not as a substitute for class attendance. If a professor makes their own notes or presentation slides available to all students, it is possible these may be sufficient for the student with a disability. We encourage all faculty to do this in the hopes of making classes accessible for all students with different learning styles, whether or not they have a documented disability.
Students can make their own arrangements to receive class notes, or they can request the instructor’s assistance in finding notetakers. If a student requests assistance, you should send an email to the entire class, maintaining the student’s identity private. Once you find notetakers, send ADS ( their names, email addresses, and the order in which they contacted you. ADS will handle coordinating and compensating them. Depending on whether the student wishes to remain anonymous or not, the notetaker will either send notes directly to the student, or through ADS.
The following statement may be helpful should you be asked to make this request:
The Office of Access and Disability Services (ADS) is seeking the assistance of one or two students to serve as peer notetakers. Serving as a notetaker requires very little extra work or time, and students often say that their class attendance and the quality of their notes improve when providing notes to a classmate. You will simply send the notes you already take in class either directly to the student or through ADS. ADS will work with you to decide on a system that works for the particular circumstances. ADS will compensate you for time spent outside of class editing and/or sending your notes. For the regular notetaker, this takes about 4 hrs/month, and pay starts at $10.50/hr.
If you are a good at taking notes and interested in helping a classmate, please let me know and I will put you in touch with ADS. This is a great opportunity to participate meaningfully in the Haverford community, to enjoy the chance to have a little pressure on yourself to stay on top of things, make a little extra cash, and earn the appreciation of your peers, your professor, and the Office of Access and Disability Services.
Please let us know if you are unable to find notetakers, or have any other questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your help in providing this essential assistance.