This course description is provided from Haverford College's Academic Catalog. More information about course offerings and academic programs can be found in the catalog or in the Academics section of the College's website.
Eric Miller, Jessica Comstock, Lee Dietterich, Nancy Maas, Shirley Lang
Division: Natural Science
Domain(s): C: Physical and Natural Processes
Three hours of lecture and one laboratory period per week. A one-year course in cellular and molecular biology, Biology 200 considers the cell as a unit of biological activity. Biology 200A discusses the gene as a storehouse of biological information, the flow and transmission of genetic information, and genomics in the context of evolution, as well as the cellular context in which these processes occur. The laboratory introduces the student to cell and molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry. Enrollment per lab section is limited to 28. Preference for a specific lab section will be given to students preregistering for that lab section; students who do not preregister will be assigned on a space available basis. When two sections of the lecture component are offered one lecture section will be limited to 50. Four sections, limited to 35. Prerequisite(s): The prerequisite for Biology 200A is successful completion, with a grade of 2.0 or higher, of a one credit Natural Science course (which includes a laboratory experience) at Haverford, Bryn Mawr or Swarthmore, or instructor consent
(Offered: Fall 2024)