MAST:Mentoring & Student Teaching
Counselors & Teachers
We’re pleased to be continuing the Mentoring And Student Teaching (MAST) outreach program at Haverford College.
As you know, MAST is a long-standing program supported by the Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center (KINSC) that provides laboratory experiences for Philadelphia-area middle school students who may be under-represented in the sciences. Haverford and Bryn Mawr College students prepare the course curricula, and work with the middle school students in small groups. Haverford College faculty act as advisers for this program. If you are interested in this outreach program, please email Marielle Latrick. We will gladly send you a package that includes several cover letters, applications, and self-addressed, prepaid envelopes.
We would be pleased if you could share the applications with students whom you feel would be well served by our program. The students should feel free to ask for help in filling out the application, and we hope that you will take an active role in guiding us as to who you might recommend for our program. The program begins in late January and continues through early Marchl.
We are still developing our curriculum for this year, and the Haverford students who will be leading the program are enthusiastic and have great ideas to make this an exciting and fulfilling year. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions about our outreach program.

Marielle Latrick
MAST Program
(610) 896-1403