Spanish and Education

Why did you choose to major/minor in Spanish or pursue a concentration in Latin American, Iberian and Latino Studies?
When I started at Haverford I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in and what career I saw myself in post-college. My Spanish class first semester of freshman year was my most enjoyable class that semester! I'd always been told to choose something I'd love, so I followed that wise advice. By combining the Spanish major with education through the bi-co program, I graduated and went right into teaching without needing to get a graduate degree first. Most school districts do tuition remission for your masters degree, so that was a huge savings financially!
What is your current job and/or career path?
I am the World Language department leader at a k-12 IB school in the Lehigh Valley and a Spanish teacher.
What are your future educational and/or professional goals?
I achieved National Board Certification as a Spanish teacher and completed my masters in Educational Leadership and principal certification after graduating from Haverford. Currently I am very satisfied with my role in education as a leader of a department of Spanish, French, and Chinese teachers, traveling with students abroad, and helping to craft curriculum. I continue to love being in the classroom! I plan to remain in public education for the duration of my career!
How has the Spanish/LAILS program helped you develop and pursue your professional goals?
I was extremely confident in my Spanish after graduating. I have included excerpts from a lot of the literature we studied at Haverford into the Spanish literature classes. I have stayed in touch with some of the other Spanish majors as well.
What advice do you have for incoming/potential majors (and minors)?
Spanish can open so many doors! Literally no matter what career you choose, Spanish will help you be more successful. The language is only becoming more relevant as America becomes even more diverse. I'd also strongly recommend studying abroad!!