CPGC Awards 2013 Summer Internships

Catherine Quero '15, one of 63 students awarded CPGC summer internship funding, at the April orientation session for the group.
The Center for Peace and Global Citizenship's Summer Internship Program will support 63 students this year to work with social service organizations, and do independent research both domestically and abroad. The CPGC's mission is to advance Haverford's long-standing commitment to peace and social justice through research, education and action around contemporary issues of global significance, and the Summer Internship Program is a key part of fulfilling that goal.
“We again received twice as many applications as we were able to fund, meaning, unfortunately, that many worthwhile applications had to be turned down,” said CPGC Executive Director Parker Snowe. “Nevertheless, we have been able to support an extraordinary range of projects. It is heartening to see the ingenuity, diverse interests and social commitment of our students.” And, adds Snowe,“The fact that our internships this year are nearly evenly divided between domestic and international highlights the 'local' as well as the 'global' nature of our programs.”
Summer internships for 2013 were awarded to 53 Haverford students and 10 Bryn Mawr students. A dozen students received funding for self-designed international internships that include working with organizations that assist special needs children in Bulgaria, run programs for HIV-positive youth in South Africa and promote restorative justice in Northern Ireland. As part of the CPGCs Ongoing International Partnerships, which sends students to partner organizations each summer, three students will teach English in Nanjing, China; three will work at a hospital and school in Koderma, India; and four will be based at Casa de los Amigos a Quaker Center for Peace in Mexico City, Mexico.
On the domestic front, 11 students whose self-designed internships won CPGC funding, will undertake a variety of activities with organizations ranging from the Heirloom Seed Project, in Maine; to an alternative fuel advocacy group in New York City; to a legal defense fund for children in Los Angeles. The Center's Ongoing Domestic Partnership Internships will send students to High Rocks Academy in West Virginia; to the Michigan Land Institute in Traverse City; and to Voices of Witness in San Francisco.
Finally, the CPGC program will fund more than a dozen students to do independent research during the summer on such topics as biofuels, migration and sustainability, in locales such as London, Buenos Aires, Okinawa and Hamburg.
Read the complete list of CPGC 2013 summer interns:
Self-Designed Internships:
Conor Brennan-Burke ‘16 (International Studies), Promoting African Authorship of Children's Literature, The Golden Baobab Foundation, Accra, Ghana
Abigail Brown ‘14 (History), Restorative Justice and Community Development in Northern Ireland, Community Restorative Justice Ireland, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Rosa Cohen ‘15 (Undeclared), Agency through Artistry: Creating Women's Empowerment in Tanzania, WomenCraft Social Enterprise, Ngara, Tanzania
Colleen Cumberpatch ‘15 (Psychology), Access to Education, Healthcare and Equality in Guatemala, Miguel Angel Asturia Academy, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Helen Felker ‘16 (Undeclared), Celebrating Zapotec Culture through Language, Centro Academico y Cultural San Pablo, Oaxaca, Mexico
Caylin Haldeman BMC ‘15 (Growth and Structure of Cities), Gender, Migration and Socio-Spatial Exclusion in La Carpio, Costa Rica, Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation, San Jose, Costa Rica
Jake Hazen ‘15 (Undeclared), Caritas Volunteer, Caritas Jordan, Jordan
Leah Hollander ‘15 (Biology), Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation Youth Center, Cape Town, South Africa
Idun Klakegg ‘15 (Political Science), Micro-solar Energy for Rural Households, Novi Africa, Savalou, Benin
Deborah Leter ‘15 (Anthropology), High-Quality Early Education: A Tool for Development in Northern Ghana, Titagya Schools, Dalun, Ghana
Adam Morollo ‘14 (Political Science and Russian Studies), Promoting Equal Opportunities for Special Needs Children at Karin Dom, Karin Dom, Varna, Bulgaria
Benjamin Wohl ‘14 (Growth and Structure of Cities), Increasing College Access Globally, US-UK Fulbright Commission, London, UK
Summer Research:
Mary Clare O'Donnell ‘14 (History and Comparative Literature), Feeling Empire: The East India Company, Imperial Anxiety and the Bengal Famine, London, UK, and Calcutta, India
Alexandra Mannix BMC ‘15 (Linguistics and International Studies), Internship at Centro Academico y Cultural San Pablo, Centro Academico y Cultural San Pablo, Oaxaca City, Mexico
Max Reinhardt ‘14 (Growth and Structure of Cities and History of Art), Social and Economic Juxtaposition in Buenos Aires, Area de Estudios Urbanos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nicholas Seltzer ‘15 (East Asian Studies), American in Okinawa: Military Bases and Status of Forces Agreement Policy Impact Research, Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan
Leslie Tjing ‘15 (Linguistics and German), Storytelling Migration: Documenting the Linguistic Landscape of Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg, Germany
Kathleen Ulrich ‘14 (Anthropology and Biology), Discourses of Biofuels in Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil
Senior Bridge:
Ann Reading ‘13 (English), Sustainability and Sense of Place in South African Townships, Trash Back, Cape Town, South Africa
Nazanin Soroush ‘13 (Philosophy & Political Science),Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel
On-Going International Partnership Programs:
China Teaching Program, Amity Foundation, Nanjing, China
Alan Herrera-Flores ‘15 (Biology)
Alesia Lujan-Hernandez ‘16 (Political Science)
Reina Qu BMC ‘15 (East Asian Studies)
Casa de los Amigos, Mexico City, Mexico
Tracey Alvarez BMC ‘14 (Anthropology), Casa Tochan
Connor Bralla ‘14 (Anthropology), Barrio Activo
Caya Simonsen ‘14 (Political Science), Casa Tochan
Nathalia Trujillo ‘15 (Sociology), Casa Refugiados
Indonesia Research Program, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Danica Cotov BMC ‘14 (Philosophy and Environmental Studies)
Lucy Gleysteen BMC ‘14 (Anthropology)
Samuel Hersh ‘15 (Growth and Structure of Cities)
Faatimah Jafiq BMC ‘15 (International Studies)
Gillian Miswardi ‘16 (Anthropology)
Rosemary Spracklin BMC ‘14 (History)
India Health and Education Internship,
Holy Family Hospital & St. Clare's School, Koderma, India
Pita Gomez ‘14 (Anthropology)
Samantha Saludades BMC ‘15 (Chemistry)
Shireen Saxena BMC ‘14 (Undeclared)
Self-Designed Internships:
Hannah Bahn ‘14 (Anthropology), Researching to Reform Education: Project Leadership for Investment and Transformation, Research for Action, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Caileigh Feldman ‘14 (Anthropology), Documentary Video and Community Education, Heirloom Seed Project, Waldoboro, Maine
Eve Gutman ‘15 (Anthropology), Bio-methane as an Alternative Fuel Research and Advocacy, Energy Vision, New York, New York
Robert Homan ‘14 (Religion), The New Focus of the Global Food Crisis: Land-Grabbing and Food Speculation, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C.
Veronica Jimenez-Lu ‘15 (Spanish), Legal Services for Children, Kids in Need of Defense, Los Angeles, California
Gebhard Keny ‘14 (Anthropology), Documentary Film as Visual Testimony for Healing, Weinreb Family, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Aaron Madow ‘14 (History), Unraveling the“Special Relationship:” A Cultural History of American Zionism, University of Pennsylvania English Department, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Natalie Martin ‘15 (Undeclared), Social Services Internship: ESL Teacher, Nationalities Service Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Alanna Matteson ‘15 (Political Science), Urban Farm Recovery Project, Refugee and Immigrant Fund, Brooklyn Grange, New York, New York
Toan Nguyen ‘14 (Chemistry), Banyan Tree Project, Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center, San Francisco, California
Ramelcy Uribe ‘16 (Undeclared), All-Womyn Space Fostering Growth, Change and Sisterhood, Sadie Nash Leadership Program, Brooklyn, New York
Continuing Connections:
Claire Perry ‘14 (Economics), Social Performance Measurement: Progressing Out of Poverty, Grameen Foundation, Seattle, Washington
Hannah Zieve ‘14 (Anthropology), Increasing Educational Opportunities for Low-Income Middle Schoolers, Breakthrough Collaborative, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Summer Research:
Marla Dominguez ‘14 (History), Researching the Dominican Republic Beyond the Trujillo Era, Dominican Studies Institute, New York, New York
Catherine Quero ‘15 (Political Science and Education), Bringing Theory to Practice: Civic Engagement and Diversity at Haverford, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Haverford, Pennsylvania
David Robinson ‘14 (Sociology), Sociology of the Alternative Agrifood Movement, Brooklyn Grange Farm, New York, New York
Senior Bridge:
Sarah Guyer ‘13 (Political Science), Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C.
Lisa Liu ‘13 (Sociology), Summer Health Justice Internship, Native Health Initiative, Arizona and New Mexico
On-going Domestic Partnership Internships:
Haverford Garden Initiative, Haverford, Pennsylvania,
Ben Bergman ‘14 (Economics)
High Rocks Academy, Hillsboro, West Virginia
Madeleine Durante ‘16 (Undecided)
Michigan Land Use Institute, Traverse City, Michigan
Zoe McAlear ‘16 (Growth and Structure of Cities)
Philadelphia Futures, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Public School Notebook, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sonia Giebel ‘14 (English)
Voice of Witness, San Francisco, California
Valerie Snow ‘14 (Political Science)
Sally Weathers ‘13 (Philosophy)
Weavers Way Community Programs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sara Jaramillo ‘15 (Philosophy)
Maya Nojechowicz ‘15 (Political Science)