Beyond the Classroom

A Haverford student's education doesn't end with the academic year. This summer, as in years past, the three campus Centers—the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship, the John B. Hurford '60 Center for the Arts and Humanities and the Marian E. Koshland Integrated Science Center—sponsored summer work, research and internships for almost 150 students. Whether they worked with children in Ghana, interned in Washington, D.C., at the Library of Congress, or conducted scientific research here on campus, students broadened their horizons and learned valuable new skills that will inform their classroom work when they return to campus in the fall.
Below is a list—by no means an exhaustive one—of articles that feature our students' diverse summer work. Many students maintained blogs about their experiences, which are listed below.
Hilary Brashear '13 designed her own internship working with film makers in New York
Hiba Dhanani '14 spent her summer at the Lankenau Clinical Care Center in Philadelphia.
Caileigh Feldman '14 designed her own internship working with filmmakers in Philadelphia.
Sam Gant '13 interned with Zidisha, Inc. in Dakar, Senegal.
Jacob Horn '13 worked at the Whitney Museum for American Art in New York.
Julia Hunter '14 worked with teenage girls while interning at Teen Voices.
Naila Ijaz '14 went to Rabwah, Pakistan to work at the Fazl-e-Omar Hospital.
Clara Kang '13 went to Dalun, Ghana, to work with Titagya Schools
Thomas Leonard '13 interned at the Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights (CCPCR).
Ananya Mukkavilli '14 worked at the Grameen Foundation in Washington D.C.
Michael Riccio '13 spent his summer with Centurion Ministries, working to free innocent prisoners.
Alex Tonsing '13 researched Civil War history at Mütter Museum in Philadelphia.
Jake Weisenthal '13 worked at Inter-American Dialogue in Washington D.C.
Gabrielle Winick '13 interned at the Library of Congress Publishing Office.
Benjamin Wohl '14 worked at the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC).
Many Hurford Center interns blogged about their experiences on Decentered.
Sam Gant documents his time in Dakar, Senegal, on Senegal Sam.
Marie Greaney '14 writes about her work with the Michigan Land Use Institute.
Helen Farley '14 blogs about her time promoting children's literature in Accra, Ghana.
Stuart Hean '14 blogs about maintaining the HCA student garden.
Clara Kang '13 writes about her work at Titagya Schools in Ghana.
Students blog about their work in Magill over the summer.
Haverford interns blog about the ProNica program in Nicaragua.