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Patrick Montero
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Faculty Profile: Peter Love

Associate Professor of Physics Peter Love not only trains future scientists in the intricacies of quantum mechanics, he helps non-science majors acquire a concept of the field as well.

Read the Spring/Summer 2013 Faculty Profile in Haverford magazine »

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Public Observing

Public Observing, Black Holes, & Crafts

October 10, 7:30p.m.
Strawbridge Observatory

Talk: “The Death of a Star and The Birth of a Black Hole” by Lee Rosenthal ’15. We’ll also take a look at atlases of real galaxies, and then do our own artist’s rendition of galaxies and the supermassive black holes at their centers, followed by telescope observing (weather permitting). Event Details »

Monday, October 7, 2013

Then & Now: Commencement Now

Then & Now: Commencement Now

There were no professional comics at Commencement 2013, but these graduating seniors were highly amused by one of the speakers, possibly Hunter Rawlings ’66.

Missed yesterday’s photo? See commencement back “Then“.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Alumni Profile: Tim Richards ’10

“Haverford showed me that I could channel my passions into real-world projects, from my CPGC internships, to my thesis, to my Watson Fellowship after graduation. I am grateful for the fantastic opportunities I received to explore my passions and interests, both curricular and extracurricular.” – Tim Richards ’10

Chief Philosopher and Nut Alchemist Tim Richards '10 promotes his stone ground sprouted almond butter business, The Philosopher's Stoneground. Read his Alumni Profile
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Student-Faculty Ratio

Haverford’s student-faculty ratio is 8:1 and 97% of our full time faculty hold the highest degree in their field. With half the faculty living on campus, mentoring and commitment to excellence in teaching are cornerstones of the Haverford experience.

Prof. Anita Isaacs writes about Latin American politics, pictured here teaching in her home on the Haverford campus.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Honor Bound

It began in 1897 as a simple system for holding exams without proctors. Since then, the cherished Honor Code has become the purest expression of the College’s values and an intrinsic part of a Haverford education.

Read “Honor Bound” in the Winter 2013 issue of Haverford magazine »

Monday, September 30, 2013

Three Haverford Scientists Receive NSF Funding for Collaborative Project

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Joshua Schrier, Associate Professor of Chemistry Alexander Norquist, and Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science Sorelle Friedler (right to left) have been awarded a National Science Foundation grant of $299,998 for their proposal, “The Dark Reaction Project: a machine learning approach to materials discovery.”

The funding will support the creation of an online database to collect the previously unreported experimental results observed by Norquist and other scientists working with the compounds. Photo: Thom Carroll Photography
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mellon Creative Residencies

The Mellon Creative Residencies Program ignites vibrant engagements between students, faculty, and visiting artists through sustained, dynamic residencies, inside the classroom and out.

This fall Haverford hosts a group of renowned artists who will explore topics ranging from memory and music to perceptions of difference and culinary history.

Previous Mellon Artist-in-residence Christine Sun Kim performs during the gallery opening for What Can a Body Do? Photo: Noelia Hobeika '13
