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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Spring 2025 |
Registration ID | CMSCH345B001 |
Course Title | Theory of Computation |
Credit | 0.50 |
Department | Computer Science |
Instructor | Zhou,Yuxin |
Times and Days | MW 10:00am-11:25am
Room Location | STO207 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 1070 Introduction to the mathematical foundations of computer science: finite state automata, formal languages and grammars, Turing machines, computability, unsolvability, and computational complexity. Attendance at the weekly discussion section is required.; Crosslisted: Computer Science, Mathematics; Prerequisite(s): (CMSC 106, 107, 151, or 206) and CMSC 231, and junior or senior standing, or instructor consent ; Enrollment Limit: 24; Lottery Preference: 1. senior CMSC majors; 2. junior CMSC majors; 3. senior CMSC minors; 4. junior CMSC minors; 5. sophomores and first years; 6. everyone else Div: None; Natural Science, C: Physical and Natural Processes (; Hav: NA, C) |
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