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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Spring 2025 |
Registration ID | ANTHH265B001 |
Course Title | Medical Anthropology |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Health Studies |
Instructor | D'Arcy,Michael |
Times and Days | TTh 01:00pm-02:25pm
Room Location | CHS101 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 1561 What does it mean to attempt a critical anthropology of the body, illness experience, disease etiology, healing practices, and the epistemology of contemporary biomedicine across a diverse group of cultures and traditions? This course seeks to begin to answer this and other questions by examining the historical development of the field of medical anthropology, exploring the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of the debates that have shaped the field, and examining the methodological concerns and ethnographic investigations that have broadened the scope of its inquiry. Readings range from classical ethnographic writings, philosophical treatises, anthropological theory, indigenous philosophers, and first person accounts of illness and health.; Enrollment Limit: 25; Lottery Preference(s): 1.) Health Studies minors 2.) Anthropology majors and minors Humanities, B: Analysis of the Social World (; Hav: HU, B) |
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