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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Spring 2024 |
Registration ID | CSTSH121B001 |
Course Title | Roman Revolutions |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Classical Studies |
Instructor | Mulligan,Bret |
Times and Days | MW 01:00pm-02:25pm
Room Location | STO131 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2420 An introduction to what it meant to be a Roman by exploration what made the Romans revolutionary (in politics, military, philosophy, literature, art, and more) in their time and of lasting influence thereafter. The course culminates in a three-week role playing game, in which you will embody a particular Roman persona during a particular socio-political flashpoint in 63 BCE. ; All readings will be in English; Enrollment Limit: 45 Div: III; Approach: Inquiry into the Past (IP); Humanities, B: Analysis of the Social World, A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts) (; Hav: HU, B, A) |
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