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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Fall 2024 |
Registration ID | MUSCH255A001 |
Course Title | Encoding Music: Digital Approaches to Scores and Sound |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Music |
Instructor | Freedman,Richard |
Times and Days | MW 02:30pm-03:55pm
Room Location | ROB200 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 1420 How do we represent music, in all its forms, from concept to practice? What sorts of systems have humans devised to learn, transmit, and preserve music? How have we collected and categorized music? And what might these activities look like in an era of ubiquitous data? In this course musicians and computer scientists will team up to explore two key dimensions of the digital revolution for music: data about music, and music as data.; Pre-requisite(s): This course is open to students interested in music, computer science or data science. Some previous coursework or experience with either (but not both) would be good preparation for this course. That is either: a basic working knowledge of musical concepts (staff notation, guitar tablature, scales and keys, or work with MIDI) or some familiarity with computer code (Python, XML) or data structures. ; Lottery Preference: Music Majors and Minors. BMC Data Science Minors. CS Majors.; Enrollment Limit: 25.00 Humanities, Symbolic Reasoning, A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts), C: Physical and Natural Processes (; Hav: HU, QUS, A, C) |
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