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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Fall 2024 |
Registration ID | CMSCH210A001 |
Course Title | Linear Optimization |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Computer Science |
Instructor | Manning,Robert |
Times and Days | MW 01:00pm-02:25pm
Room Location | HLS109 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2648 An introduction to the optimization of a linear function subject to linear constraints, with applications that include game theory, transportation problems, and network flows. The course includes some theoretical material on the properties of these linear optimization problems, and also a strong emphasis on algorithms, especially the simplex method and some enhancements to it (which are especially relevant since many applications involve many variables and many constraints).; Crosslisted: Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics; Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite of Math 121 or 215, or equivalent placement, or instructor consent; Enrollment Limit: 35 Natural Science, C: Physical and Natural Processes (; Hav: NA, C) |
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