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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Fall 2024 |
Registration ID | ANTHH338A001 |
Course Title | The Anthropology of Addiction: Substance, Community, and the Problem of Care |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Health Studies |
Instructor | D'Arcy,Michael |
Times and Days | W 01:30pm-03:55pm
Room Location | UN114 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2655 This course explores the conceptual, methodological, and ethical complexities of marking addiction as an object of anthropological inquiry. Together we will investigate what anthropologists, medical doctors, public health scholars, and people living with addiction can gain from ethnographic research. We will ask: how can ethnography help us to better understand the degree to which the phenomenon of addiction is socially, culturally, and scientifically constructed but also experienced in intimate and often deeply painful ways? ; Crosslisted: HLTH.; Enrollment Limit: 15.00 Social Science, B: Analysis of the Social World (; Hav: SO, B) |
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