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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Fall 2023 |
Registration ID | PEACH214A001 |
Course Title | Ethics of Worldbuilding: Science Fiction and Social/Political Theory |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Peace, Justice and Human Rights |
Instructor | Stauffer,Jill |
Times and Days | TTh 11:30am-12:55pm
Room Location | UNMAC |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2709 This course will use science fiction to situate contemporary problems of political life and political theory in new contexts. Our main aim will be to decenter some of our presuppositions about what form political writing, persuasion, and action ought to take. Readings include science fiction, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, political science, neuroscience, poetry, literature, gender studies, Indigenous studies, and Black studies. Assignments include analysis of texts, storytelling, worldbuilding thought experiments, political writing, and visual argument.; Pre-requisite(s): PEAC 101 or 201 or consent of instructor; Lottery Preference: PJHR concentrators, 7 spaces reserved for first years; Enrollment Limit: 25.00 Humanities, A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts) (; Hav: HU, A) |
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