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Campus | Bryn Mawr |
Semester | Spring 2024 |
Registration ID | EDUCB250001 |
Course Title | Literacies and Education |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Education |
Instructor | Cohen,Jody |
Times and Days | TTh 11:25am-12:45pm
Room Location | BYC127 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2782 A critical exploration of what counts as literacy, who decides, and what the implications are for teaching and learning. Students explore both their own and others experiences of literacy through reading and writing about power, privilege, access and responsibility around issues of adult, ESL, cultural, multicultural, gendered, academic and critical literacies. Fieldwork required. Priority given first to those pursuing certification or a minor in educational studies. Approach: Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC); Haverford: Social Science (SO) ( ) Enrollment Cap: 22. If the enrollment exceeds the cap, the lottery criteria is as follows: EDUC Majors and Minors, then by year (Senior then Junior then Sophomore then Freshmen) |
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