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Campus | Bryn Mawr |
Semester | Fall 2024 |
Registration ID | PSYCB353001 |
Course Title | Adv Topic in Clinical Psych-Multicultural Competence |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Health Studies |
Instructor | Conlin,Sarah |
Times and Days | TTh 08:40am-10:00am
Room Location | BYC127 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2118 This course provides an in-depth examination of research and theory in a particular area of clinical psychology. Topics will vary from year to year.; Current topic description: This course provides an introduction to culturally-competent practice in psychology, with emphasis on clinical/counseling settings. Multicultural Competence is defined as the ability to work effectively and respectfully across cultural and/or identity differences. The first steps toward culturally-sensitive practice are: 1) critical self-reflection and 2) understanding dynamics of power and privilege (APA, 2020). These two key areas are the focus of this course. We will examine topics such as: power and privilege, the impacts of prejudice and discrimination, mental health and healthcare disparities, intersectionality, advocacy and social justice, and finally, cultural competence as a route toward positive change. This course encourages self-reflection on each of these topics. We will reflect on our own sociocultural identities and experiences including areas of both privilege and marginalization to gain awareness of how these shape our ways of being in the world. Students will have opportunities to engage in interactive activities and projects geared toward experiential learning throughout the semester. This course emphasizes student-led discussions, which are designed to facilitate in-depth exploration of course topics. Haverford: B: Analysis of the Social World (B), Social Science (SO) Enrollment Cap: 16. If the course exceeds the enrollment cap the following criteria will be used for the lottery: PSYC Major (Senior/Junior); PSYC Minor (Senior); PSYC Major (Sophomore); Senior; Junior; Sophomore. Prerequisites: PSYC B209 or PSYC B224 or permission from instructor; PSYC B205 highly recommended. |
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