African and Africana Studies
African and Africana Studies students employ multiple disciplinary perspectives in order to cultivate a global understanding of African societies and the African diaspora.
Concentrators may take courses in Haverford’s three divisions and engage anthropology, economics, history, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, political science, and sociology in order to develop concentrated knowledges about African societies and the African Diaspora.

The Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies would like to invite you to attend the Queer of Color Visual Culture class student-hosted final projects. Come enjoy a series of events that will screen movies, documentaries, and so much more! You are welcome to invite students and colleagues you know who might like to attend.
We extend hearty Congratulations/ Felicitaciones to our alum, Nicholas Rashad Jones, '05.

The prize honors young women dedicated to creating a future where the people who imagine and build technology mirror the people and societies for which they build.
The comparative literature major is in Los Angeles interning at the largest archive of gay and lesbian materials in the world.
With the Bi-Co Lagim Tehi Tuma Fellowship program, these students are a part of an inquiry into the role of education in creating, concealing, and challenging systems of power in Dalun.

The religion major is interning at the Village of Art and Humanities in North Philadelphia, working with its Artist-in-Residence Program.

His presentation is titled "Trickster Citizenship: Staging Uncertainty in an age of Revolution".
Égalité for All: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution

The associate professor of anthropology writes about the Nigerian novelist, poet and critic, who died March 21, on the blog Africa is a Country.